As of right now the only media posted is a picture and some text, but come next week you should at least be seeing a new layout and a soundslide on there. And it’s all going to be about myself and who I perceive myself to be.
Not the most interesting topic in the world, you might say…Well, to you maybe. But I, as an object of attention, actually do manage to hold my own interest for quite some time.
So for all of you who, like myself, have been following my blog every Tuesday and Friday, for the last couple of months; you now can see just who I am, if you don’t already know. And for those of you not interested, well you know what to do too.
So I guess everyone is happy. At least I know I am, and with Spring Break coming up I can't really find a reason not to be. I hope everyone is ok with me just talking about myself in my blog, for once. I promise to get back to the more serious online journalsim stuff in my next blog.
Also, I'll let you know when something exciting happens on my website. Untill then just sit back and continue to enjoy the many interesting blogs from the Comm. School students at UM.
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