Tuesday, April 1, 2008

My New Hobby.

In my blog from February 29th I bragged to you about my new website. I also told you that I would keep you posted when anything new happened on my page.

Well, guess what…Today I finished the content and design of my website! At least it is now so much done that I dare to brag about it again.

I added some pictures to my Soundslide and deleted others, to make it better. Agreed, some of the old pictures actually weren’t that good.

Another new feature on my website is the video bio, in which I talk about…Well about myself. I have also added a page for my biography, so it doesn’t get in the way on the front page.

The layout has changed to black, grey, and white only. I thought it was appropriate to keep the colors (if you want to call them that) simple, like the site itself.

There really isn’t a lot to the site, but I do feel it tells the story about me at this moment in time, in a simple and subtle way.

I will keep working on new features for the website which I, by the way, have created using Dreamweaver. Working in Dreamweaver has proven a very easy way of creating websites and most importantly, it is very fun!

That being said, I have only just learnt the basics of Dreamweaver and still have a lot to learn. And where better to start learning than by watching some of the great video tutorials out there for anyone to learn from, for free.

I think it is fair to say that creating content for my sites and playing with the applications that allow me to express myself online has become my new hobby.

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